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Scholarship Information

When a student earns a scholarship, we want to know about it! Please complete the below form to report the scholarship amount earned. Be sure to share all scholarships, used and unused, so we can gather the total amount of scholarships earned from the Class of 2025.

Scholarship Survey


Silver Creek Career Academy Scholarship 

The Silver Creek Career Academy Program (SCCAP) Scholarhip is a one-time, non-renewable award granted to the students who are members of the various Silver Creek academies. SCCAP will award up to six (6) scholarships valued at $500 each. Deadline to apply is March 14, 2025

Tony Bennett Memorial Foundation Scholarship 

The Tony Bennett Memorial Foundation Scholarship will be given to at least one SCHS senior who has overcome an adversity, (such as the loss of a loved one to suicide) while achieving at a level necessary to pursue a post-secondary opportunity. This award will be selected by the Foundation Scholarship Committee and award winners will be announced at your school's awards day program.

More information about the foundation can be found at or on Facebook at the Tony Bennett Memorial Foundation page.

Applicants must complete the paper application, along with the essay described below.

Applications must be typed or written in black or blue ink. Applications are due to the counseling office or by Thursday April 3rd, 20225

Tony Bennett Memorial Foundation 

Indiana State Teachers Association, (ISTA) Foundation District & Retired Scholarship

This scholarship is open to graduates of a public high school in December and May/June of the school year of the application who had at least a C average, plan to participate in formal accredited training program (apprenticeship, trade school, cosmetology, etc.) or attend a two or four year accredited college or university and are the children or grandchildren (stepchildren and step grandchildren qualify) of an ISTA member. The applicant does not need to have attened high school in the same district in which the ISTA member teaches, nor live with the ISTA member.

Deadline to apply is Aprl 1st, 2025 

ISTA Foundation District Scholarship 2025

ISTA Foundation Retired Scholarship 2025

ISTA Scholarships and Awards 


Silver Creek Alumni Association Scholarship

The Silver Creek Alumni Association has given away nearly $200,000 in scholarships in the past years to graudating Silver Creek High School senions pursuing a post-secondary education opportunity. In the spring of 2025, the Alumni Association will award four scholarships of $1,000 to students to help them pursue their education and career goals.

Recipients will be recongnized at the Senior Awards Night on May 14, 2025. Recipients are also required to attend the annual Silver Creek Alumni Assocation banquet on June 21, 2025 

Criteria for Selection:

  1. The student must further their education in a univesity, technical school or other appropriate post-secondary school.
  2. The applicant must have attended SCHS a minimum of 3 years.
  3. The student must have demonstrated leadership and participation at SCHS and/or his/her community.

Apply using the below paper application form and return to the counseling office to Mrs. Meredith by April 1st. 

Silver Creek Alumni Association Scholarship.pdf

IU Credit Union: High School Scholarship

IU Credit Union is offering 10 $1,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors for the 2025-2026 academic year (8 of the scholarships are specific school, however 2 of the 10 can be any other high schools)  

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant or applicant's legan guardian must be an IU Credit Union member in good standing, and maintain that membership status throughout the duration of the award.
  • The applicant must have a high school GPA of 3.25 or higher
  • The applicant must be enrolled in or intend to enroll in an undergraduate degree or certificate program at an accreditied university, college or vocation program on a full-time basis for the duration of the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • IU Credit Union employees, officials and their immediate family members are not eligible.

How to apply:

Download the High School Scholarship Application and mail by March 29th. 2025 to 

Attn: Paige Ferguson

IU Credit Union

PO Box 368

Bloomington, IN 47402-0368  

Covered Bridge Women's Golf Association Scholarship

The Covered Bridge Women's Gold Association awards $1,000 scholarships to 3 high school southern Indiana female golfer. The applicants must have played high school golf, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and plan to attend college.

Please complete the application and return to: 

Terry Keown

12808 Covered Bridge Rd 

Sellersburg, IN 47172 

Applications must be postmarked by March 28th, 2025 (during Spring Break)



Watson Water Company Scholarship 

Eligibility: Applicants must be a Watson Water customver 

How to apply: Visit and navigate to the "2025 Scholarship" under the "Member Info" section. You can also click here to directly access the Watson Water Company Scholarship. Submit your application with supporting documents before March 21st. 

Horatio Alger Scholarship (Juniors) 

The Horation Alger National scholarship application is now open for currrent juniors. This scholarship is geared towards students with financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required)

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States
  • Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree at an accreditied non-profit public or private institution in the United States immediately after hight school graduation (student may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
  • Demonstrate financial needs ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross family income in required)
  • Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
  • Dispaly integrity and perserverance in overcoming adversity
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Be a United States citizen

Deadline to apply is March 15th, 2025 


REMC Scholarships 

Twenty $1,000 scholarships will be offered to high school seniors who plan to attend IUS, Ivy Tech of Sellersburg and Purdue Polytechnic New Albany. 

The $2,500 Cindy Hockensmith Memorial Scholarship is awarded to one high school senior yearly. This scholarship is for a full-time student attending any Indiana college or univeristy.

These scholarships are for those students who arer REMC members or reside in the household of a REMC member.

The applications can be found on the Clark Country REMC Website 

Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025 

Indiana State Teachersr Association (ISTA), Career Scholarship

This scholarship is open to students with demonstrated academic achievement and leadership in co-curricular activities and community involovment who are dependents of ISTA memebers. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually with an option to renew for three consecutive years. 

Career Scholarship 2025 Application

ISAT Scholarships and Awards 


Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA), Justine M Harrell Memorial Scholarship 

This scholarship is open to public high school seniors pursuing a degree in education. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for a total of four years in the student maintains a 2.0 GPA enrolled in an education curriculum at an accredited college or univeristy in Indiana. Applicants for the need-based scholarship must also meet the income criteria of at or below 200 present of the feveral poverty line. 

Deadline to apply is March 1st, 2025 

Justine M. Harrell Scholarship 2025 

ISTA Scholarships and Awards 

Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA), Damon P. Moore Scholarship 

This scholarship is open to a minority public high school senior who plans to pursue a teaching certificate. The scholarship is named for Damon P. Moore 

Deadline to apply is March 1st, 2025 

Educatior Scholarship 2025

ISTA Scholarships and Awards 

Indiana State Teachers Accociation (ISTA), Educator Scholarship

This scholarship is open to students actively pursuing a degree in education who are dependents of ISTA members. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually with an option to renew for three consecutive years. 

Deadline to appy is March 1st, 2025 

Educator Scholarship 2025 

ISTA SCholarships and Awards 

SCHS: Helen Humphrey Scholarship

The Helen Humphrey Scholarship is awarded annually to undergraduate students who are attending any Indiana University campus (IUS, IUB, IU Indy, etc) and are graduates of Silver Creek High School. Applicants should obatin a recommendation letter from the counseling staff at SCHS. 

You will apply for this scholarship through your One Start account, once accepted to an IU school.

Before you begin applying for opportunities in IU Scholarships, and if you are new to Indiana University, you should created your IU computing account. If you are a continuing student, be sure to complete the General Application in More detailed instrucations are located in this article. 

SCHS: Orrin Weber Scholarship

This $1,000 scholarship is for a student who has an IEP. Orrin Weber graduated from Silver Creek High school in 1948 and taught for 30 years at Scottsburg High School. Deadline to apply is March 10th, 2025. 

Apply by completing the Google form:

SCHS: Shirley Irby Memorial Scholarship 

This $500 scholarship is open for any Silver Creek senior. A student with strong involvement in their school and community will be preferred. Shirly Irby was a previous Silver Creek High School counselor. Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025, 

Apply by completing this Google form:


SCHS: Mary L. Cain Scholarship

Full Scholarship! The Mary L. Cain scholarship is open to female students who plan to pursue a degree as a registered nurse at an accredited Indiana univeristy or college. Scholarship covers full cost of tuition, books, lab fees, room and board while the student is enrolled in and progressing toward a nursing degree. Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025 

Apply by completing the Google form

SCHS Evelyn Heiligenberg Memorial Scholarship:

For seniors graduating from Silver Creek High School who will attend any two or four year private or public institution. Eligible recipients must have a GPA in the rangee of 2.5 to 3.5. There will be preference for applications who have had an emphasis in the study of Spanish as a world language during their high school years. Award equals $4,000 ($1,000 for four consecutive years) Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025 

Apply by completing the Google form

SCHS: Ethan Bennett Memorial Scholarship 

Eligible recipients must have a GPA in the range of 2.5 to 3.5 with a preference for students who have scored at least a 33 in reading on the ACT or 740 on the SAT. Recipients must attend any public or private accredited college or university in Indiana or in the Kentuckiana metroversity consortium. Award equals $4,200 ($2,100 for two consecutive years) Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025. 

Apply by completing the Google form

SCHS: Mildred P. Werle & Marcia Werle Schiller 

This scholarship is for a student who plans to pursue a degree in education at a 4-year college who has a GPA between a 2.8 and 3.3 with above average test scores. Preference will be given to students who have participated in an extracurricular activity or have had some type of employment, along with demonstrating distinguishing characteristics. Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025. 

Mrs. Mildred Werle was an educator for 37 years, spending most of her 33 years teaching Latin and English at Silver Creek High School. Her daughter, Marcia, was an adminstrative counselor at Louisville Male High School the majority of her 33 year career. 

Apply by complete the Googe Form


SCHS: Dr. John R. Huff and Evelyn Dean Huff Elementary Education Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is open for studtens who are planning to pursue a degree in education, preference is given to elemetary education. Deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025.

Apply by completing this Google Form 


SCHS: Richard Mattox Memorial Scholarship 

This scholarship is in memory of Richard Mattox. The paper application, along with an essay, will be reviewed by the committedto select the recipient. Applications must be submitted to the SCHS Counseling office or by March 3, 2025 

Richard Mattox Memorial Scholarship 

Foundation 649 Scholarship

The Foundation 649 discovers and empowers young, talented Asian American and Pacific Islanders who are actively elevating and serving their communities across the country. The foundation offers a grant of $4,000 over the course of 4 years that can be applied to college tuition and expeneses. 


  • Be a degree-seeking, full-time student enrolling in a U.S. accredited university in Fall 2025 as a Freshman or transferring from a community college
  • Identify as Asian American/Pacific Islander
  • Have a track record of involvement and interest in AAPI communites, issues or causes
  • Have demonstrated financial need for the scholarship
  • Be a US citizen, resident, or foreign national. Undocumented stduestsn are also welcome to apply


  • Five recipients will be selected
  • Each recipient will recieve $4,000 spread over 4 years.
  • The award must be renewed each year to recieve successive funds.
  • Application Deadline is March 1, 2025
  • 10 entrants will be selected as finalist for video call interviews by March 31st.
  • Recipients are announced by April 15, 2025  


Ball State Miller Leadership Academy Scholarship 

The Miller Leadership Academy is a scholarship program offering $11,000 per year for 4 years of an undergrudate educaiton to students majoring in business at Ball State University. The program is open to all students meeting the eligibility criteria, but strong consideration is given to studetns from underserved and histroically marginalized populations whose presense will enhance the learning enviorment at the Miller College of Business through increasted diversity. You can find more information at their website reguarding eligibility, as well as a program online. 

The application period is open for students entering BSU in the fall. The deadline for application is March 1st. 


The Hagan Scholarship 
The Hagan Foundation offers a nationwide need-based merit scholarship. This scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. 
  • 3.5 high school GPA for higher
  • Enroll in an eligible college or university the first semester following graduation (while in college, must maintain a 4-year or less graduation schedule and a 3.25 GPA)
  • Must work 240 hours prior between January 1st, 2025 and September 1st, 2024.
  • Have a household gross income reported for 2023 not exceeding $100,000. 
To apply and download the brochure for more information, visit

National Honor Society National Scholarship- DEADLINE: November 26th:

Since 1946, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has awarded more than $23 million in scholarships to outstanding NHS seniors. This year, we are awarding $2 million in scholarships to 600 students. Each year, scholarship recipients are selected based on their demonstration of the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Check out the information at: and apply today!

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship- DEADLINE: November 15th

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Program is designed and managed by the Jeffersonville/ClarkCounty Holiday Celebration Committee. The MLK Holiday Celebration Committee seeks to encourage community service, personal responsibility and educational achievement among the citizenry of Clark County. 

You do not need any special qualifications to enter. You just need to be good at being yourself and have a real desire to succeed. 

MLK Scholarship 2025.pdf

The paper application is above or you can receive a copy in the counseling office. Applications must be returned to the Counseling Office at SCHS by November 15, 2024.


Linda Fontenot-Williams Memorial Scholarship (Bold Foundation)- DEADLINE: Nov. 29th

  • Eligibility: Any African American single mother who is a high school senior or undergraduate student may apply for this scholarship. 
  • Amount: $500
  • Winners: 1
  • Application Deadline: Nov 29, 2024

Scholarship link:


CCRD 2025 Sustainability Scholarhips 

Clark County Recycling District and Smurfit Westrock will be awarding 5 sustainability scholarships to Clark Co. students. Applications are avaliable in the counseling office as well as on the website  Deadline to apply is February 21, 2025. 

ASB Custom Homes Construction Trade Grant

ABS, LLC will be providing four individuals (two in Floyd Co, two in Clark Co.) either a $1,000 cash or the equivlent in certification fees, tools, and materials, etc to a student who intends to pursue a career in the trade industry. The application is avaliable in the counseling office. Deadline to submit via email is March 14th, 2025. 

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Program: DEADLINE Oct. 25th

Daughters of the American Good Citizen Program honors an outstanding young person in the senior class who demonstrates qualities of a good citizen, with the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. The scholarship contest allows each local high school to nominate one student per year. The student nomination is determind from a facility vote. 

The selected student will be asked to enter an essay contest, competing locally and potentially statewide and nationally for scholarship funds. 

All materials for the nominated student must be submitted by October 25, 2024.


Elks National Foundation Scholarship 

The Elks National Foundation awards $2.25 million in college scholarships to a total of 500 high school seniors nationwide through it's Most Valuable Students contest. Applicants do not need to be releated to a memeber of the Elks. For more information and to apply you can visit Deadline to apply is November 12, 2024 

Indiana University Wells Scholarship- DEADLINE for interest forms: September 23rd  

Indiana University Wells Scholarship uses nomination rather than the application process for their selection of scholars. Silver Creek will nominate two students for this scholarship. The Wells Scholars Program guarantees the full cost of attendance for a period of eight semesters of undergraduate study at Indiana University Bloomington. 

You must apply to IU Bloomington by November 1st. 

Students who are interested in the scholarship need to complete this Wells Interest Form by September 23rd.



Community Foundation of Southern Indiana - DEADLINE: September 16th

The Community Foundation os Southern Indiana Scholarship program has dozens of scholarships available, including the Lily Endowment Community Scholarhsip. Their applications are now open (Monday, August 12, 2024.) You can apply for their many scholarships online at Deadline to apply is September 16, 2024. 


The Lilly Scholarship application- 

The General Scholarship Application (18 different scholarships)- 


Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation: 

Each year the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school student across the United States. Fill out the online application here Students need to have a 3.0 GOA or higher. The deadline to complete the required eligibility quiz is 4 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.