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High School News

First page of the PDF file: 2023-08-10-18-15-38_PressReleaseHunterStationPizzaStadium

The Silver Creek School Corporation and Hunter Station Pizza announce a new five-year partnership designating Hunter Station Pizza as the naming partner for the new Football/Soccer/Track Stadium, Softball Field, and Baseball Fields located at Silver Creek High School.

The Silver Creek School Corporation and Hunter Station Pizza announce a new five-year partnership designating Hunter Station Pizza as the naming partner for the new Football/Soccer/Track Stadium, Softball Field, and Baseball Fields located at Silver Creek High School.

Click here for more details.

Youtube Video

First page of the PDF file: SCHSlot2023-2024WTRAFFICPATTERNS

Please read information regarding traffic patterns due to the construction zone in the SCHS front parking lot.

Click here to view the traffic patterns due to the construction zone in the SCHS front parking lot.


*Please see the attached image of SCHS front lot and shared lot with SCE.  Due to construction, the traffic pattern has had to change significantly. 

*Please note that the car rider line for SCHS is around the back of SCHS at Door T- please DO NOT drop any students off at Doors A, C, F or front of the building- the campus is very crowded and near Door A & C are construction entrances so we need the least amount of foot traffic in this area as possible. 

*SCHS students will be entering Door Y & C if driving, if going into Door C- there is a path between the fence line and bright yellow barriers for the students to walk between safely.  Students please use crosswalks to get to the sidewalks and/or walking path for safety.  

*Buses will be dropping off at Door C-F. 

*SCE Car Rider Lines- we are asking that you do not line up before 7AM in the AM's  and 2:00PM in the PM's to cut down on an already congested lot, your help with this is appreciated. 

*Notice there is a traffic pattern/path from SCMS to SCHS and vice versa to be able to drop off or pick up students without having to leave campus- just follow the arrows.  

*Again please use patience and grace as we start this year with obstacles to overcome, we sincerely appreciate your help and look forward to having a great year.



*Consulte la imagen adjunta del lote frontal de SCHS y el lote compartido con SCE. Debido a la construcción, el patrón de tráfico ha tenido que cambiar significativamente.

*Tenga en cuenta que la línea de pasajeros en automóvil para SCHS está en la parte trasera de SCHS en la Puerta T. NO deje a ningún estudiante en las Puertas A, C, F o en el frente del edificio. El campus está muy lleno y cerca de la Puerta A y C son entradas de construcción, por lo que necesitamos la menor cantidad de tráfico peatonal posible en esta área.

*Los estudiantes de SCHS ingresarán por la puerta Y y C si conducen, si van por la puerta C, hay un camino entre la línea de la cerca y las barreras de color amarillo brillante para que los estudiantes caminen de manera segura. Estudiantes, usen los cruces peatonales para llegar a las aceras y/o senderos para caminar por seguridad.

*Los autobuses dejarán en la puerta C-F.

*SCE Car Rider Lines: le pedimos que no haga fila antes de las 7 a. m. de la mañana y las 2:00 p. m. de la tarde para reducir un lote que ya está congestionado. Agradecemos su ayuda.

*Observe que hay un patrón/camino de tráfico de SCMS a SCHS y viceversa para poder dejar o recoger a los estudiantes sin tener que salir del campus, solo siga las flechas.

*Nuevamente, use paciencia y gracia ya que comenzamos este año con obstáculos que superar, agradecemos sinceramente su ayuda y esperamos tener un gran año.


If you are considering Silver Creek High School and would like to tour our building, please contact our main office at 812-246-3391 for an appointment.

If you are considering Silver Creek High School and would like to tour our building, please contact our main office at 812-246-3391 for an appointment.

Our new, anonymous tipline is now live! The app can be downloaded for both Apple and Android. The website can be accessed from any browser. Check it out below:

Anonymous Tipline